;Golf championships ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com ;Only interested in one or a few of the mentioned days? ;You can import one or a few days to your 'organiser', without making the whole chapter active, by pointing with your cursor on that day in the 'special days' window of the PTBSync-program. LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Golfball.gif COMMENT=Updated August 28, 2013 ;1st 1934, not played: 1943>1945 - weekend ending 2nd Sunday in April 22.3. =Augusta GA, 1st day 1st Augusta National Invitation (Golf)Tournament #1934 years ago (1939 >Masters Tournament (Golf))* ;Note=1934, Augusta National Golf Club, >March 25, 1934 {n} 01.4.+2Su-6Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, start Practice Rounds 01.4.+2Su-5Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, Practice Rounds 01.4.+2Su-4Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, Practice Rounds, Par 3 Contest 01.4.+2Su-3Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, start Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.4.+2Su-2Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.4.+2Su-1Dy =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.4.+2Su =Golf, #1936th US Masters Tournament, Final Competitive Rounds ;Note=2nd Sunday April {n} ;1st 1895, not played: 1917>1918, 1942>1945 - weekend ending with the 3rd Sunday in June 04.10. =Newport RI, 1st US Open (Golf)Championship #1895 years ago* ;Note=1895, Newport Golf Club {dn} 01.6.+3Su-6Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, start Practice Rounds 01.6.+3Su-5Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, Practice Rounds 01.6.+3Su-4Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, Practice Rounds 01.6.+3Su-3Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, start Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.6.+3Su-2Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.6.+3Su-1Dy =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, Competitive Rounds (>Sunday) 01.6.+3Su =Golf, #1900th US Open Championship, Final Competitive Rounds ;Note=3th Sunday June {n} ;1st 1860, not played: 1871, 1915>1919, 1940>1945 - weekend containing the 3rd Friday in July 17.10. =Scotland-Ayrshire, 1st Open (Golf)Championship #1860 years ago* ;Note=1860, Prestwick Golf Club, restricted to professionals {n} 01.7.+3Fr-4Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, start Practice Days 01.7.+3Fr-3Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, Practice Days 01.7.+3Fr-2Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, Practice Days 01.7.+3Fr-1Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, start Championship Days, First round (>Sunday) 01.7.+3Fr =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, Championship Days, Second round (>Sunday) 01.7.+3Fr+1Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, Championship Days, Third round (>Sunday) 01.7.+3Fr+2Dy =Golf, #1871th Open Championship, Final round Championship Days ;Note=weekend 3th Friday July {n} ;1st 1916, not played: 1917>1918, 1943 - 3rd or 4th weekend after the Open Championship 10.10. =Bronxville NY, 1st day 1st PGA (Golf)Championship #1916 years ago* ;Note=1916, Siwanoy Country Club, >Oct. 14, 1916, Professional Golfers Association of America {n} ;xls >.. 1988-1996, 1998-1999, 2004-2005, 2007-2015 10.8.+1Su-6Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, start Practice Rounds 10.8.+1Su-5Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Practice Rounds 10.8.+1Su-4Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Practice Rounds 10.8.+1Su-3Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, start Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) 10.8.+1Su-2Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) 10.8.+1Su-1Dy>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) 10.8.+1Su>2006 =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Final Championschip Rounds ;Note={x} ;xls >.. 1997, 2000-2003, 2006 ;14.8.+1Su-6Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, start Practice Rounds ;14.8.+1Su-5Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Practice Rounds ;14.8.+1Su-4Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Practice Rounds ;14.8.+1Su-3Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, start Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) ;14.8.+1Su-2Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) ;14.8.+1Su-1Dy =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Championschip Rounds (>Sunday) ;14.8.+1Su =Golf, #1918th US PGA Championship, Final Championschip Rounds ;Note={x} ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/Holiday%20INFO/Golf.txt